Hydroforming (Sheets and Tubes)

Hydroforming is a soft tool forming process, where a liquid medium, generally water with a small percentage of added oil, is pressurized and controlled by means of a hydraulic circuit and used to deform the workpiece, either a tube or a sheet, into the final component shape.

Theory and Application


Hydroforming is a well-known technology since the Second World War, but it gained importance in the manufacturing industries only in the recent years, with the development of a broader knowledge in the process and new presses and equipments, which allowed it to be competitive with the conventional forming processes.

Hydroforming is a soft tool forming process, where a liquid medium, generally water with a small percentage of added oil, is pressurized and controlled by means of a hydraulic circuit and used to deform the workpiece, either a tube or a sheet, into the final component shape (Schmoeckel et al. 1999; Zang 1999; Vollertsen 2001).